Hello all,
Here recently, I started looking into a decent handheld recorder, specifically one with the ability to record in fairly high quality stereo and also be used as an external microphone for a computer. While searching around for documentation on the different models, apparently quite lacking with blindcooltech no longer working, I came across this list and was hoping to refresh the interest in this topic and hopefully get some advice. So far, from what I've been able to dig up, it's a choice between, the dm-520 or 620, the ls models, 5, 10, 14 and 100 and of course, the H1 from zoom. My main issues with locating documentation, specifically on the dm-620 is the fact that several pages on this device state that it does not have the accessible menus, comparing it to the dm-670, apparently a device specific to European markets. This however does not seem to be the case, as other sources state that it comes with support for use by the visually impaired. I've been able to locate a few of the podcasts, recorded by Neal Eurs and am in the process of searching for any others I can find, however, one thing I still can't find any information on is the ability to use these devices as an external stereo mic for a computer, outside of recording. I'm honestly not sure if this is just a lack of me not knowing the term used to describe this, but even in the manuals for the olympus devices I've found, I can't find any mention of this. I do know that the zoom has this ability and also that several devices from olympus do as well, but I'm just looking for a more complete list of accurate manuals/documentation. I'm even considering contacting Olympus, here in the US to ask also, but I wanted to find a list to hopefully ask other folks who've used these devices first. Lastly, I'm looking to spend at most around 200 dollars, hopefully a little cheaper so any ideas that anyone can give that may fit the bill would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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