Hi Folks, Well, on the recommendation of two people here yesterday, I went and installed Switch. It's completely accessible with my Window Eyes 8.4; almost as though it was written that way, although I don't know that for sure. It's also simple and fast. There is a five files at a time limit on the free version, but that is easy to work around. You can select and open many more than five files and then convert five at a time until you get them all. However, for convenience, and because I think they deserve it for writing such a simple and accessible product, I am probably going to buy it. It says that it will also extract audio from DVD's and video files, although I haven't tried this yet. If that works as simply and accessibly as the audio conversions I've done so far, then that will make it even more worth the price.
Thanks for putting me onto this. Oh, by the way, Dane, VBR is not on the list of filetypes that Switch will convert to, so I guess I will continue with M4A. Evan