Hi Alexandra, In Windows vista and later you can do the following - not sure about xp. Tab to the seek slider. Pressing LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW moves the playback backward or forward by one twentieth of the length of the track. If you add SHIFT or CTRL to these keystrokes, then the distance moved becomes one four hundredth or a fifth of the length of the track respectively. If you're using vista, then you can get to the seek slider quicker by pressing ctrl+tab one or more times.
David. original message: Hi List, I hope someone can help me. In school my students have to use windows media player. I read in the menu that the short cut to rewinding or moving backward in a track is supposed tob e control shift b. But in the menu it keeps telling me that it is not available and the key stroke ctrl+shift+b doesn't work either. What do I have to do to make it work? The fast forward ctrl+shift+f works fine. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Alexandra