Hi fellow list members, First of all, I hope that everyone has had a nice Christmas and that 2014 will bring you happiness and good fortune. Quite a while back, I had written to the pc-audio list to find out how to insert a track immediately below the currently playing one in Winamp. Someone on the Pc-audio list, had given me some directions as to how to do this. I followed all the steps they set out in their email message, explaining how to get Winamp to insert a new track below the one that's already playing in the playlist. However, the (enqueue and play in Winamp) option doesn't appear anywhere in the context menu of Windows Explorer for some weird reason. The list member said to go to the shell options under the preferences treeview/dialogue, and checked the check boxes for add enqueue play to Winamp associated filetypes, insert enqueue files after the currently playing file, and leave playback on the currently playing file. Once that was done, I loaded my playlist of songs, pressed enter on the first song in the playlist and The song plaied as normal. While it was playing, I pressed Windows key and E, to open windows explorer and navigated to the folder where the file I wanted to add was located and highlighted the file. But when I pressed alt F to bring up the file menu, I did not see anything that said Enqueue and play in Winamp under the file menu. I even tried going directly to the (my music) folder, which is where all my music is kept, highlighted a file I wanted to add to the playlist, and tried pressing both alt F and using the applications key, but no matter which method I tried, the enqueue and play in Winamp icon was still no where to be found. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Has anyone else ever had this issue with Winamp? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Mike Rochester, NY. Mike Rochester, NY.