Not talking about that at all, subject line says exactly what I'm talking about.

On 21 Dec 2013, at 6:45 am, Petro T. Giannakopoulos <> wrote:

> I did not get the original post.
> If you are talking about Replay Media Catcher 5 or Replay Music 6 here are 
> the helpful notes I have. I was the beta tester for Replay Music 6.
> Replay Media Catcher 5 
> Installation 
> No issues experienced with installation process. 
> Welcome 
> When you first run Replay Media Catcher 5 you will hear a welcome window. 
> Choose the checkbox with spacebar to enable it and tab over to the OK button 
> and press ENTER key. 
> You don't need this welcome window. 
> This application has different interfaces. 
> Start Monitoring 
> Use alt-s 
> Stop Monitoring 
> alt-x 
> Read the user guide. 
> If you have scheduled a future capture / Download but have forgotten to run 
> the Replay Media Catcher 5 program, no problem because Replay Media Catcher 5 
> will open itself and start the recording for you. 
> Configuring The Main Interface 
> With Replay Media Catcher running you should configure your main interface, 
> the UI by 
> Press enter key on Library tab/module 
> Press alt+v for the View toolbar menu 
> Press enter keyboard key on everything located in the view toolbar that does 
> not have a check mark next to it except for 'always on top'. 
> This will show all the modules/tabs that are available on the main user 
> interface. They are 
> Library 
> Internet 
> Audio 
> History 
> Guides 
> Schedule 
> The most important modules/tabs are, 
> Library 
> Internet 
> Audio 
> Schedule 
> When you are done go back with alt+v and make sure everything is checked 
> except for 
> the always on top. 
> JAWS Keystrokes for the List View 
> If you are in another module/tab please 
> Press enter keyboard key on the Library module/tab on the main user 
> interface. 
> Shift+tab will bring you to the Library list view 
> If you have captured something you can do the steps below but if not please 
> read on. 
> While in the list view you can use the following JAWS keystrokes to hear 
> Name of your recording 
> Date 
> Status 
> To hear the name press 
> insert+ctrl+numbers row 1 
> To hear the date press 
> insert+ctrl+numbers row 2 
> To hear the status of your recording/download while in the list view press 
> insert+ctrl+numbers row 3 
> The status will say downloading, complete and other info like error. 
> To hear the whole line press insert+up arrow. 
> Display the List view 
> Will make it much easier for you. 
> Choose the Library module/tab with ENTER key. 
> Press insert+t - the title bar should say library 
> Press alt+L to bring up the library toolbar 
> Choose display list view if it is not checked with your enter key 
> You have made the list view the default view on the main user interface 
> OR 
> Choose the Library module/tab. 
> Use your tab keyboard key and locate the 'Display List View' button and press 
> your enter key. 
> Settings and Conversions Settings 
> Choose the Library module/tab on main interface. 
> Press alt+l. 
> The library menu has the 
> Settings 
> Conversions Settings 
> Choose Settings 
> The settings window opens 
> You should hear Settings tab 
> Use left or right arrow keyboard key to find the tab sheet you want to 
> configure and press your ENTER keyboard to make it the active tab. 
> Some main level tabs have sub level tabs so press your tab keyboard key one 
> time to find its sub level tabs. 
> Use left or right arrow keyboard key to find the sub level tab sheet you want 
> to configure and press your ENTER keyboard to make it the active tab. 
> For example, the Internet tab sheet has the sub level tabs Monitor, plug-ins, 
> rtmp, http and some others. 
> The Settings Window has 
> Library tab 
> Internet tab 
> Audio tab 
> History tab 
> For me the Library tab says checked. so I know I am in the Library tab 
> property sheet properties which I can examine by pressing my tab keyboard key 
> each time one by one. 
> While on a control within the tab sheet that is active insert+tab will read 
> that control for you. 
> Say you want to view the Internet tab sheet simply use the right arrow key to 
> find the internet tab and when you find it press your ENTER key and JAWS will 
> say checked. 
> The Internet tab is active. 
> You know now that you are in the Internet tab property sheet so press your 
> tab keyboard key to jump to the different settings you can configure. 
> Note, the Internet tab sheet has some additional sub level tab sheets within 
> it. 
> They are, 
> Monitor 
> http tab, 
> http adv tab, 
> rtmp tab, 
> rtmp adv tab, 
> dynamic tab 
> BT tab, 
> Naming tab, 
> Plugins tab, 
> ad blocker tab 
> These are tabs above so if you need to configure something within one of 
> these you will have to see which one is selected by hearing the word checked 
> pronounced by your screen reader. 
> For me the Monitor tab is checked. JAWS tells you it is by it speaking 
> Monitor tab checked. 
> Want to go to a different tab then use the steps above. 
> Start Monitoring 
> To start a capture of your media like a radio station stream do 
> Three methods 
> Press alt-s to start monitoring. 
> Or 
> Choose the Library module/tab on main interface. 
> Locate the click to Start Monitoring for downloads button on the main user 
> interface and press enter keyboard key. 
> You will hear a sound. This sound is telling you its ready to 
> capture/download. 
> If you do not see the 'start monitoring' on the main UI then you are not in 
> the Library module/tab so do 
> Press your tab key a few times until you land on the Library module/tab and 
> press your enter key on it. 
> Use your TAB keyboard key to find the click to start monitoring for downloads 
> button. 
> This will enable the click to start monitoring for downloads button to appear 
> again. Press enter key on start monitoring. Sound is heard. 
> Still do not hear the start monitoring feature then do 
> Find the Library module/tab on main UI and press enter. 
> Press alt+l for the library toolbar. 
> The Library toolbar appears. 
> Arrow down to the item 'start monitoring' and press your enter key on it. 
> Sound will be heard. 
> Before you proceed to your media on the web I would tab over to the Library 
> list view on the main interface, minimize Replay Media Catcher or alt+tab to 
> your browser like Internet Explorer. 
> For example, play a YouTube video for 10-15 seconds and stop it with either 
> the stop button or alt+F4 to close your browser. 
> Now go back to Replay Media Catcher application and you should be focused on 
> the list view. 
> The list view will display your recordings/captures/downloads you have in a 
> list view style. 
> Playback a file that is located within the list view. 
> Locate the listview. If you do not see it. 
> Press enter on the Library module/tab . 
> Tab key a few times on the main UI and you will find the display list view 
> button. Press enter. 
> OR 
> Press alt+l for the Library toolbar and make sure display listview is 
> checked. 
> Locate the list view contents on main interface with the tab key. When you 
> find it your recordings/downloads will show up in the list view. 
> Press shift+F10 on a file in the listview. 
> You can do 
> Delete a file. 
> Rename 
> Remove 
> Play 
> Move To 
> Convert 
> Save to MP3 
> Fix FLV 
> Restart 
> Show in folder 
> Properties 
> Cancel 
> So to play a file press shift+F10 while on a file in the listview and choose 
> PLAY in the context menu. 
> If you are asked to download a player to play a file it is your judgement to 
> decide what to do here but if you've played that file type before than choose 
> NO when the pop up message appears. 
> You can play your files through the Windows Explorer. 
> Where are my files? 
> On main UI press enter on Library module/tab. 
> Press alt+l. 
> Choose open strorage folder. 
> Conversion Setting 
> If you want Replay Media Catcher to auto convert everything to a particular 
> format then do, 
> On the main UI press enter on Library module/tab. Press your tab key a few 
> times and locate the No Conversion Settings 
> Next press your spacebar key and down arrow key and you will hear the context 
> menu with submenus, 
> Media Players 
> Phones 
> Tablets 
> Game Consoles 
> Manufacturers 
> Formats 
> Output Folder 
> Don't Convert 
> Configure 
> Import into iTunes 
> Example, choose the Formats submenu and right arrow to open it. Choose the 
> format you desire within this list and press enter. 
> I chose MP3 Default in this list and press enter. 
> Tab over to Ok and press enter. 
> Now when you are back on the main UI of Replay Media Catcher 5 you will see 
> the format type you chose instead of No Conversion Type displayed. 
> If you do not see this then tab one time and then shift+tab. 
> For me it reads on the main UI Mp3 Defaults (MP3). 
> We are telling Replay Media Catcher 5 to automatically convert all 
> captures/recordings/downloads whether they are audio or video to MP3 format 
> in my example above. So if your video was .flv or mp4 Replay Media Catcher 5 
> is going to convert to .mp3 and also keep the original file .flv or .mp4 also 
> as shown in this example. 
> You will have the original file and the converted file in both the list view 
> and Windows Explorer. 
> Example, 
> WGN.flv 
> WGN.mp3 
> How to Record Audio 
> Choose Library tab on main user interface. 
> Press your tab key a few times until you hear the Download from the Internet 
> button menu. 
> Press spacebar key on Download from the Internet menu button. 
> Press your down arrow key and when you hear Record Audio press your enter 
> key. 
> Record Audio is now the default. 
> Tab over one time. 
> You will hear Start Recording button. 
> Press the Start Recording button with enter key. 
> Play your media like with your browser. 
> Your audio is being captured. 
> To view what is being captured go to the Replay Media Catcher Library list 
> view contents. 
> When done close your browser. 
> To stop recording press the stop recording button. 
> To change it back to Download from the Internet button menu simply spacebar 
> on Record Audio and down arrow to Download from the Internet and press enter. 
> If you cannot escape from here then do an alt+tab anb shift+tab to go back to 
> Replay Media Catcher 5. 
> You will notice that the Start Recording button has changed back to Click To 
> Start Monitoring For Downloads button when Download from the Internet is 
> active. 
> Developer wrote 
> RMC5 is a different product, with a modern interface and far more features 
> than anything AV or RMC4 had. 
> Understanding Replay Media Catcher 
> Below where it reads 'selected' means to press your keyboard enter key on the 
> module/tab. 
> Settings / Conversion Settings / Display Listview / Open Storage Folder menu 
> item is under the Library menu which is displayed when the main Library 
> tab/module is selected 
> Shortcut is 
> alt+l 
> Start/Stop recording menu item is under the Internet menu which is displayed 
> when the main Internet tab/module is selected. Internet menu/toolbar shortcut 
> is 
> alt+i 
> New Schedule menu item is under the Schedule menu which is displayed when the 
> Schedule tab/module is selected 
> Shortcut is alt+s 
> New - this is where you set timer style recording. 
> Edit 
> Copy 
> Delete 
> Run Now 
> Most menu items have keyboard short cuts where it makes sense 
> The Schedule Module/Tab and how to set a scheduled recording. 
> On Main UI press enter on Schedule Module/tab. 
> Use tab key to find the schedule for a future time button on main UI. 
> Press ENTER kER key. 
> Schedule window 
> To find your list of scheduled future recordings you must be in the Schedule 
> module/tab. 
> So on main UI of Replay Media Catcher 5 find the schedule module/tab and 
> press enter key. 
> Then tab until you find the Scheduled list view contents. Here you will see 
> your list of scheduled recordings you have set for a future time period. 
> Replay Music 5 
> Main Interface has the following buttons and they can be accessed with the up 
> or down keyboard arrow keys or with the tab key, 
> About 
> Help 
> Minimize 
> Close 
> Go to the Close button and press your TAB key one time and you will find the 
> Record / stop record 
> Now press your down arrow key or continue to press your TAB key to find, 
> Reset 
> Split track 
> If arrow keys were use you will hear the progress bar text. 
> With JAWS use insert+v, find progress bar and set to off. 
> Also, set screen echo to off. Tracks list view 
> This is where your recordings appear. 
> Then we have 
> Move Up Track button. 
> Move Down Track 
> Edit Track 
> Delete Track 
> Play Track 
> Burn CD 
> Settings 
> The tracks list view can be viewed with your up and down arrow keys or with 
> JAWS keystrokes shown below, 
> Insert+ctrl+numbers row number 1 
> Insert+ctrl+numbers row number 2 
> Insert+ctrl+numbers row number 3 
> Insert+ctrl+numbers row number 4 
> Insert+ctrl+numbers row number 5 
> Insert+ctrl+numbers row number 6 
> Insert+ctrl+numbers row number 7 
> Press your TAB key one time and you will wrap around back to the About 
> button. 
> How To Record 
> Shortcut to start and stop recording is ctrl+r. 
> Or, 
> Find the Record / Stop Record button. 
> The Start Recording Session Window appears 
> If you will be recording a rock music station then in the genre edit field I 
> would type in rock or if its country then type in country because this will 
> assist Replay Music tremendously in identifying your songs. 
> What you are looking for is the Open Browser to Record button so press enter 
> on it. 
> The info below is important. 
> Your default browser will open. Your default browser like Internet Explorer 
> or another browser like Firefox will load to a website from Applian. 
> You should do an alt+tab when you are on the website page and be back on the 
> Replay Music 5 dialog screen and choose the OK button. 
> The above is important to do. 
> The Record / Stop Record has changed to Stop Recording button. 
> Now press alt+tab to go back to the Applian Website or to your media or 
> external player. 
> The website is calledStart Recording with Replay Music 
> It has no heading so look for the text 
> Looking for some great music on the Web? Try these music sites with Replay 
> Music: 
> I don't know if you can use all the music services available in the list but 
> I've tested so choose the link and press enter. 
> You are on the Accuradio website now. 
> Choose a station / stream and play it. 
> I use two sound card here. 
> Replay Music will record each song heard and name each song with artist, 
> album. 
> The key is to record music streams that have 1-5 seconds of silence between 
> each song that is played. 
> To stop the recording 
> alt+tab to Replay Music and press on stop recording button. 
> Or press ctrl+r 
> You can manually split tracks with ctrl+s. 
> Tracks List View Tips 
> Press applications keyboard key or ENTER key to bring up the list of options 
> like play, delete, edit tack, tag track and import files. 
> If you are using a laptop shift+F10 will work very soon. 
> It has been fixed now.
> Where are my recordings stored? 
> Choose the Settings button on main interface of Replay Music and you will be 
> shown the default location where your files are stored.


Dane Trethowan
Skype: grtdane12
Phone US (213) 438-9741
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