I use VLC and works well for me.

I'm sure there are thousands of other players out there and I'm equally sure 
that others on list use other players than Winamp and use them well.

On 21 Nov 2013, at 9:23 am, Petro T. Giannakopoulos <petro...@clear.net> wrote:

> Tell us what you use and how well does each player work for you. 
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: Dane Trethowan 
>  To: PC Audio Discussion List 
>  Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 5:03 PM
>  Subject: Re: Where do you get Winamp Pro? was RE: Winamp Shutting down 
> onDecember20, 2013
>  Don't know what all the big noise is about given that there are plenty of 
> other Media Players out there available free of charge or for next to nothing.
>  On 21 Nov 2013, at 8:44 am, Steve Pattison <s...@internode.on.net> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Sorry for the confusion. If you go to
>> www.winamp.com/media-player/all
>> and when you're at the top of that page use your screen reader's find 
>> command to search for "Winamp.com" without the quotes and start reading from 
>> there you should find the message about Winamp shutting down.
>> Regarding Winamp Pro the link I gave in my previous version is for the free 
>> version of Winamp. However if you've already purchased a serial number for 
>> Winamp Pro and entered it into Winamp the latest version will turn into 
>> Winamp Pro. It looks like you can no longer buy Winamp pro though. I've been 
>> using Winamp Pro since 2004.
>> Regards Steve.
>> On 21/11/2013 8:18 AM, Evan Reese wrote:
>>> Don't know. I got mine from their site, but when I went up there just
>>> now, (and didn't find anything about anything no longer being available
>>> after December 20), I did however find that the Winamp Pro store is no
>>> longer available. There might be other places to get it though, albeit
>>> not the latest version. Mine is version 5.62, but I don't know whether
>>> that is the latest Pro version or not.
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Dane Trethowan
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Phone US (213) 438-9741
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