Hi. I have it in mind to market a syndicated show to Internet radio stations. 
Content will consist of music and my voice. 

The microphone is not an issue. Beyond that, my problem is that I don't know 
where to start when it comes to what I need in order to use the computer to 
perform and record my audio. For instance, as a DJ, what's the best way to get 
music onto the computer while making it flow as one would a traditional radio 
show? Hardware? Software? Additionally, I'm not certain of the best tools to 
use for getting my audio to the online stations who will play it. Using either 
windows or the Mac, what would you suggest for any aspect of my project.  As a 
blind person on a bit of a budget, I am seeking   accessible ideas that are as 
economical as possible. 

Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond.

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