Thanks. How would I set Audacity in Windows to not record the screen reader? I'm sure this can be done in XP, but is it possible with 7 or 8? ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Bailes" <>
To: "PC-audio" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Is Audacity more accessible on the PC or the Mac,or doesn't it matter?

Hi Dave,
Audacity is slightly more accessible on Windows than on a Mac. For more details, see the screen reader section of this page on Accessibility in the manual:

When recording on windows with a single sound card, then the screen reader will only be included in recording when you record "stereo mix" or "what you hear".


original message:
Subject pretty much says it. Are there any advantages or disadvantages using
Audacity on one OS or the other? Also, I know you can't record on Windows
without getting the screen reader in the recording unless you use 2 sound
cards. Is it possible to record on the Mac with just 1 sound card and not
record voiceover?

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