Greetings, If you can get hold of one, very very dificult now to obtain, I suggest the Nakamichi 680ZX, this is a dual-speed, three-head, plus/minus 6% speed playback, very very accurate allignment and assymuth control, machine is built like a battleship, has RCA. inputs and outputs and a DIN 7-pin socket, the purpose of which I have never discerned but presume it is some kind of in/out device.
Note: this machine was discontinued by Nakamichi I believe in about 1983 due to rights issues hence it's difficulty in finding. Needless to say, I have one, purchased second-hand some fifteen years ago. The machine's speed even at 4.75CM/PS is very very good, it also handles metal, chrome and feric tapes, by adjusting the settings, it can be made to play tapes most others will not make any sense of. the wind is very fast, but it treats tapes with care. I have used C180 cassettes on this machine and it handles them no problem. I no longer have any of these, but plenty of c120 tapes and rarely have any problems with this machine. To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: