The subject line sets this up I am looking at both I've had a rhapsody account in the past and my so far 2 complaints with it were first that on top of a subscription you appear to be charged on a per download basis Am I wrong? Is there something hidden within rhapsody that I am missing? My second complaint is that Rhapsody does not work outside the US so I was being billed for service I could not use while in the UK. Now to ITunes. First complaint m4a. Now I know most state of the art devices support m4a but I have also heard that manufacturers are moving away from support for m4a. Who is correct? Searching iTunes on the PC is for me a master class in swearing like a sailor but on the phone the process is somewhat less irksome. What if any experiences have you folks had with either or both?
Ray T. Mahorney WA4WGA To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: