do they have a trial of the pro version?
I don't own a plextalk.
HankOn 6/17/2013 4:41 AM, Aidan Maher wrote: Select a country on that page, and then you wil get
to the home page from where you can go to the prs product page. Note
that there are too versions, the prs pro is not free, the normal prs
is free, but it require you to own a ptr2/pocket because you have to
connect them to the pc before the program will instal.

On 17/06/2013, hank smith, and seeing-eye dog iona
<> wrote:
what is the website for this?
On 6/16/2013 3:20 PM, Aidan Maher wrote:
The very well known prs software can do that very wel.

On 16/06/2013, André van Deventer <> wrote:
Hi all

Are there any programs available preferably free with which you can build
daisy book from audio files?

My old nokia e52 could actually do that using a daisy reader available
Code Factory.


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