Audacity is free and allows for multitracking with control over individual tracks. It also has more extensive effects and better noise reduction than Goldwave, but it is more complex than Goldwave and takes longer to master. Goldwave has a reasonable price, but cannot multitrack. The key strokes in Goldwave are easier to use. Both work well with speech. There is a free guide on using Audacity with speech which covers the main issues.

Rich De Steno

On 5/29/2013 5:07 PM, John Chilelli wrote:
Hi all,

I eventually will be getting a copy of Sonar 8.5. But between that upgrade and the Jaws scripts for it will cost me a wopping $700.00 which I don't currently have. In the meantime, I need to start making podcasts and musical spotst for radio broadcasting using Shoutcast and hopefully Station Playlist. I am looking at either Audacity or GoldWave. Which one of these Digital audio editing software packages should I start investing time into learning. I also must choose to either upgrade to WE 8.x or I can also use Jaws 13.

What do you guys think?

Thanks for your input,



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