Wel, I also love the ptr2 and would want to try and always use it
fully. But its true that the olympuses have very good quality
recording. The ls100 is a bit expensive though so I will try go for
the new ls14.

On 11/03/2013, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But then again, when it comes to recording in general, I've already moved
> on. Something like the LS-100 would be best. IT's HD audio capable. Though
> I
> really dig the Sound Devices stuff. Like Neal Ewers's Sound Devices 744-T.
> I
> want the all new 788-T but the one with the SSD.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Aidan
> Maher
> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:11 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Handheld recorder with recording timer
> I don't have one, but I am thinking of getting one, so I guess that those
> things like auto gain is now equal to the bpp and pocket anyway.
> But people are generally now going to be motivated to go more for the
> desktop bookport anyway because of the hardware and price differences.
> On 11/03/2013, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yep, think about this, the small BP is essentially the PTP1. AKA, the
>> Pocket with more stuff. You wish they could update what again? If the
>> PTR2, I think it has to be reforged. I don't really know though. The
>> CF card thing for instance, wouldn't firmware fix that? I forgot to
>> ask the tech support guy about that. But they do have to reforge it
>> physically to make it USB 3.0 for instance. Yes, go 3.0 and get it
>> over with. Heck make it a Blu-ray writer whilst you're at it too.
>> That's what I'd do. Oh yeah, and make it actually be able to write
>> DAISY or what ever to Blu-ray. Then $895 might be worth it.
>> Think of the Books you can put on a Blu-Ray disk, especially a 50GB one.
>> How
>> about some lite scribe hmmmmm? How do those ideas grab you? Then to
>> sweeten the deal, add on all the new stuff. The wireless stuff, the
>> internet radio and so on. That would be one cool PTR unit. I don't
>> know if they would call it a PTR3 if they did that. But it would be
>> cool though. Remember this, the only reason according to Mike Lang for
>> the PTR2 was the led thing. So, it's like some people say about Vista
>> VS. Win 7. Win 7 is what Vista should have been. The PTR2 is what the
>> PTR1 could and should have been. No more, no less unfortunately. What
>> a miss of a chance. They could have made it USB 2.0 right there on the
>> spot, they could have opened the limit on memory size for the CF
>> cards, you know there are 32 GB ones. Pluss, ready it for Ultra II
>> cards. They missed on so many points. How sad when you really think
>> about it. But oh well, at least we have the BP DT. I hope the pre amps
>> are as good or better then the PTR2, and I hope they brought down the
>> floor noise as well as inproved the Auto Gane Controll.  It was and is
>> too week on the PTR2. Especially with cheep mikes. Have you tried one?
>> A Book Port Desk Top that is?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>> Aidan Maher
>> Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 3:46 PM
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>> Yes, I also wish they could update it again. But yes aph just use the
>> plextalk firmware wich they customize a little bit.
>> On 10/03/2013, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yep, that's what I thought when I first heard of the Book port Desk Top.
>>> For
>>> thoughs who wander what the DT stands for. Um I guess it may even
>>> some what feel like a PTR 2 from what someone hinted at on the
>>> Accessible Devices podcast? Interesting if it is so. After all I
>>> guess APH has teemed up with the Plextalk guys. So, I guess that in
>>> some respects, the BP DT is a PTR3 so to speak. I just wanted to see
>>> what people thought. There must be enough people buying the PTR2 as
>>> is though if they continue to sell it as is and not modernize it.
>>> It's not fair though since they want the same amount of money as in
>>> 2006.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>>> Aidan Maher
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 10:10 AM
>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>> Subject: Re: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>>> Wel, maybe something to add here is that if this is the case with
>>> ptr2, then maybe it might be better to go for the bookport dt model
>>> instead, as it offer many of the ptr2 features with some extras and
>>> of corse newer hardware, and also alot cheaper. Just a thought.
>>> On 10/03/2013, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Yep you're probably right. I used Amazon don't forget. The card
>>>> these recorders want aren't in stores any more.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>>>> Aidan Maher
>>>> Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2013 5:48 PM
>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>>> Subject: Re: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>>>> Wel, its not dollar forty in all regions, and also, the prices for
>>>> sd cards compared to some of these cards are very simular. Wel in my
>>>> region at least.
>>>> So it depend I guess.
>>>> On 09/03/2013, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Maybge so. But come on, $40 for a 4 GB card? I mean, the geek in me
>>>>> would and I kind of want to. We'll see I guess.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>> Aidan Maher
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2013 3:40 PM
>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>>>> Subject: Re: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>>>>> Yeh, I get what you say in many ways, I do feel however that why do
>>>>> they stil make the machine if it might not be so much in use anymore.
>>>>> They don't update the hardware either. But I think if you no why
>>>>> you want it and if you no you can use it alot its stil werth the
>>>>> money, but you rite that most people will have to compare the
>>>>> amount of money with what they get for it. But I guess if you buy
>>>>> the sandisk cards, chances for locking up is maybe less, although I
>>>>> couldn't test
>>> that.
>>>>> On 09/03/2013, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Oh yeah, you can find them alright. But when you want to get one
>>>>>> for the
>>>>>> PTR2 it gets harder. I'll tell you abit why just so as not to leav
>>>>>> you hanging, but I won't go too deep as it maybe off topic. But
>>>>>> perhaps
>>>> not.
>>>>>> Here it is. Basicly the problem is this, heck you can buy them at
>>>>>> staples but it's the ultra 2 ones. The PTR1 and 2 want either type
>>>>>> 1 or 2. They don't like Ultra 2. They lock up when you put one in.
>>>>>> That's the company's falt though. I don't get why the PTR2 didn't
>>>>>> accept type Ultra 2 cards since it came out in 2005 I think. Or
>>>>>> was it 6? Is it too little too Late? Is that something that they
>>>>>> could still fix with firmware if they chose to? Or would they have
>>>>>> to reforge the
>>>>>> PTR2 to put a new card reader in it? The cards are essentially the
>>>>>> same but for speed. Like I said, Amazon has them, or at least 2,
>>>>>> but one I'm not sure of, and the Sandisk one is $40 for only 4 GB.
>>>>>> IS it just me or does any one here agree that $40 is a little too
>>>>>> much for only 4GB. I actually wander about this too, and this
>>>>>> maybe another topic for a whole new thread. Is something like the
>>>>>> PTR2 even worth buying anymore?
>>>>>> Or
>>>>>> is it just just for mastaljicreasons. You know what I mean? It's
>>>>>> just cool, one may just love it just because and for almost just
>>>>>> collection purposes you may want one. But it's $895. With all the
>>>>>> limitations and let's be honest, dying or dead tech in it, is $895
>>>>>> to get it  from IRTI even fair anymore? I don't know if anyone
>>>>>> wants to debate this or least make their views known, but there
>>>>>> you have mine.
>>>>>> But yeah, to get off the sope box and back to the main point, you
>>>>>> can find the cards, but it's not guarantied the ones you may find
>>>>>> will
>>> work.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>> Aidan Maher
>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2013 2:30 AM
>>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>>>>>> Those compact flash cards are still available. They not the latest
>>>>>> and the greatest but stil you can find them, I don't no in the US
>>>>>> where to go but in my region they stil available.
>>>>>> On 08/03/2013, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ah yeah. I don't recall the PTR2 having one. Very interesting. I
>>>>>>> had a
>>>>>>> PTR2 once, It's gone now though. Ah the goodold PTR2. Sometimes I
>>>>>>> want to buy another one but come on, $895 for something that the
>>>>>>> cards don't exist for any more almost? You can find a select few
>>>>>>> on Amazon, but who's to say they'll really work? Pluss, like you
>>>>>>> said, the LS 100 does better quality recording anyways. It does
>>>>>>> HD. But part of me still loves the good old PTR2.
>>>>>>> But I digress, point is, that's cool man. I don't the PTR2 having
>>>>>>> it, but if it does that's cool. The PTP1 does now you remind me
>>>>>>> of it.
>>>>>>> But I forgot.
>>>>>>> Very interesting.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf
>>>>>>> Of Don Ball
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 12:54 AM
>>>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>>>>>>> well all I know is that the custom settings have both a start
>>>>>>> time and an end time. and there are other options like sound
> detection to.
>>>>>>> Now I don't know how reliable any of that is as I don't use those
>>>>>>> features. In fact sense I got my ls 100 I don't use the pocket
>>>>>>> for recording much at all. I know that both the ptr2 and the
>>>>>>> pocket had those features. try them out and see.
>>>>>>> There is a clock on there for some reason.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "Hamit Campos" <hamitcam...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 11:50 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>>>>>>>> Ah, thanks for letting us know that. I at least did not know that.
>>>>>>>> Weight, are you sure? What he wants is where you say I want you
>>>>>>>> to start recording at 7 and stop at 10 for instance. What I
>>>>>>>> remember plextalks having is where you either have it start as
>>>>>>>> soon as you hit the button, or when it hears some thing. Note
>>>>>>>> the sound detection thing didn't really work all that well from
>>>>>>>> what I've
>> seen.
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf
>>>>>>>> Of Don Ball
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 7:44 PM
>>>>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>>>>>>>> the pocket can do this. during the custom recording setup it
>>>>>>>> will ask you for start times and end times.
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>> From: "Donald L. Roberts" <donald.robert...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 2:14 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Handheld recorder with recording timer
>>>>>>>>>I am wondering whether any of the hand held devices such as but
>>>>>>>>>not limited to the  VR Stream, the Plextalk pocket, and the Hims
>>>>>>>>>units have some form of a  recording  timer.
>>>>>>>>> Often, I wish to record something from the TV or the radio a
>>>>>>>>>program which  airs late at night, and I do not wish to  change
>>>>>>>>>everything around so as to connect to my computer. Presently, my
>>>>>>>>>only other option is a talking VCR which is already obsolete,
>>>>>>>>>and at some point can  no longer  be repaired.  So, please tell
>>>>>>>>>me if other such options are available.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> Don Roberts
>>>>>>>>> On 3/5/2013 12:44 AM, Arun wrote:
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