I download & installed the freemake youtube to mp3 converter but I can't figure out how to use it. I used the full install.Can anyone help? Thanks, Gene

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dean Masters" <dwmaster...@gmail.com>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 09:10
Subject: Re: Looking For New Youtube to MP3 Converter

I use the Freemake video converter which will convert audio, video, rip DVD's and save video from many video sites to whatever format you wish.

Find it at:



-----Original Message----- From: Rob Tabor
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:36 AM
To: 'Discussion of the Graphical User Interface,GUI Talk Mailing List' ; PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Looking For New Youtube to MP3 Converter


Until very recently I was using youtube-mp3.org with very good success until
the owners of the web page stoppd the Youtube to MP3 video conversion
process under a threat of a lawsuit from Google. I have tried other online
converters, but they seem to crash IE9. The Youtube video to audio
converters I have tried without success include listentoyoutube.com, and
videotomp3.com. I am wondering if anyone has discovered a Youtube to audio
converter that is equal or near equal to Youtube-mp3.org.

I discovered while researching what was behind this sudden and strange
development I was curious as to why Google is playing waterboy for ASCAP.
However, I have subsequently concluded that Google has its own turf to
protect, and it is the ring tone revenues they are likely receiving from the
Android apps markets. IN any event, I would appreciate any suggestions.


Rob "Jayhawk" Tabor

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