Sounds like it, and it looks like that's the way to go. E-mail me off list
please, I want to hear more of how this working for you, and how the set up
went. See sence we might talk about Comcast them selves a bit perhaps, this
might go OT. In other words, off topic. This is what I was talking about
though. It's called a cable card tooner. I'm considering the Ceton Infini TV
one. Well, I'll tell you more off list. See you off list.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Vicky Vaughan
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 10:42 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: PC tuner card with Verizon fios

I have a special card that fits into my Win 7 computer, that has a slot for
the Comcast card, which is about the size of a creddit card. With this I am
able to bring up what ever channal I want and record the shows I want. 
Vwalla,no set top box!

Is that, what the person who started this was looking for?
----- Original Message -----
From: "HHamit Campos" <>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 1:58 PM
Subject: RE: PC tuner card with Verizon fios

> Same goes here. I want to use Comcast with one, but well, like you said, 
> no
> one I've talked to so far has even heard of Windows Media Center. That's
> just sad. How ever the last guy that came said that if one wants to use a
> cable card toner, it has to be an in house technition that sets it up. I'm
> sure it must be the same for you guys. Comcast does say that they do sell
> the cards. No wander no one really uses WMC and Microsoft want to get rid 
> of
> it. They haven't yet, But I sence the day is near.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Steve Matzura
> Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 3:55 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: PC tuner card with Verizon fios
> You didn't ask the best question of all. How does your tuner-card friend
> plan on authorizing his device with FiOS? I've wanted to use this option 
> so
> I could have an accessible set-top-box replacement alternative, but no one
> at FiOS to whom I have spoken even knows if they can issue authorization
> cards for these things, so I haven't plunked down my money for one yet. SO

> I
> went another route, which turned out to be just as good, and totally free.
> Since I have an iPhone, and my wife an iPad, I use the FiOS iPhone and 
> iPad
> apps, which are totally accessible and control our boxes just fine.
> Considering what one could spend on a TV card or USB device, getting an 
> iPad
> is almost worth it just for this purpose! Get an old one, no need to have
> the latest and greatest one. You could probably find one for less than the
> cost of the TV card, and at the end of the day, not only will you control
> your television viewing, but you'll have an iPad as well!
> On Sat, 4 Aug 2012 19:35:29 -0400, you wrote:
>>I was recently talking to a buddy of mine and he is totally blind. He
>>is installing a tuner card and a cable attached module and I was
>>wondering what is the accessibility of such a setup? How accessible are
>>the cards and how difficult are they to setup? Also, how is the audio
>>from the cards, clear or do you have to do something special? Thanks for
> your help.
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