
I'll have my Sendspace Pro account working again next week, been a bit of a 
problem between Sendspace and Paypal so I've had to reorganise things a bit 
<smile> so when that's done the link to my podcast on the Squeezebox Internet 
Radio/media Player will be available again so I'll resend the link to the list 
so people may grab it.

I'm in the planning stages of a second Squeezebox podcast owing to the amount 
of feedback I've already received on the first.

On 22/04/2012, at 3:45 AM, Bud Schwab wrote:

> Hello,
> I too am interested in finding out about various internet radios.  I have a 
> Sanyo R227 which is a great radio, but is not at all blind friendly and can't 
> be operated other than the eight presets by a blind person.  Where could I 
> find some info on the logitech radio that was mentioned?  Or does anybody 
> have any other ideas on one that can be operated by a blind person?  This 
> Sanyo  is a great radio but I'm limited to just the eight presets, but don't 
> have access to the hundreds of other stations out there.
> I'd be very interested to see what any of you guys have come across  that 
> might be more blind friendly.. Thanks.
> Bud
>        At 01:29 AM 4/21/2012, you wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I'm about to take a look at some of the Pure radios to see how I go with 
>> them on the net but one I can recommend in the meantime is one of the 
>> Squeezebox units from Logitech, I've had one here for over 12 months now and 
>> I wouldn't be without it.
>> Initially it needs some setup fusing sighted assistance, this setup tells 
>> the Squeezebox about your network, whether you're Squeezebox is hard wired 
>> or not etc, whether you have a wireless network and so on.
>> Once the initial setup is completed then you can "play!" to your hearts 
>> content.
>> You can control the radio in various ways, from the radio itself to using a 
>> web interface on a computer through a Squeezebox account - similar to what 
>> Pure radios do it seems with "The Pure Lounge" - to controlling the radio 
>> from a smart phone.
>> I've done a podcast on my Squeezebox Boom radio/player if this would be any 
>> help to you, I can send it to you.
>> Cheers!
>> On 21/04/2012, at 6:14 PM, Alan Pollard wrote:
>> > Hi Listers,I am seeking advice re models,brands, features etc, for a stand 
>> > alone Internet radio. here in Australia the ,pure Brand is often 
>> > mentioned, I have a Cable Broadband connection to the Computer ,however I  
>> > must be able to use the Radio anyware in the House and outside if possible 
>> > I presume a Wireless Router would be the first step!. any advise from 
>> > those who have travelled down this road would be very much appreciated! 
>> > Thank you Alan Pollard..
>> >
>> >
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> Bud Schwab
> W 6 Z Y P
> Malibu, California
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