Strange thing is that up to about a week ago it was possible to do this
withtapin radio.  .  Now something has changed and you cannot do it anymore!


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Anders Holmberg
Sent: 15 April 2012 12:38 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: tapin radio now also showing country restrictions

Hi friend!
I totaly agree with you.
I am very intrested  in the premier league but they wont allow us outside
the uk listen.
Don¨t know if this has to do with uk laws or if its bbc it self or what.
15 apr 2012 kl. 10:09 skrev André van Deventer:

> Hi all
> Must say I am now very disappointed in my preferred  internet radio 
> player of choice.
> It seems now that tapin radio is also now showing country restrictions 
> whenever you want to listen to sport  on either bbc five live or bbc 
> five live extra.  This was not the case when I listened to both 
> stations about 2 weeks ago!
> Must say I am very disappointed!
> Andre
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