I will if I can figure out how to hear my output. I was thinking to demonstrate Audio Repeater than get NVDA to speak through virtual audio cable. Any ideas without causing terrible loopback effects? Please advise. Thanks!

Christopher Hallsworth

On 15/04/2012 01:22, Hank Smith wrote:
can u do a podcast?
On 4/14/2012 5:20 PM, chris hallsworth wrote:
Or I can do a podcast if you like.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 14/04/2012 22:43, Dave Bahr wrote:
David, if it is so simple, would you be so kind as to write a guide for
those of us who don't understand the program? I've tried using it, and
yes, it's concepts seem simple but I've never figured the interface out.
I'd love to know how to use the thing, it looks damn useful.

Dave C. Bahr

On 4/14/2012 7:46 AM, David Truong wrote:
What is so hard about Virtual Audio Cable? It's a simple program with a
simple interface and simple concepts. What more can you ask than that?

David Truong

Email: blindbo...@me.com

MS Messenger: davidtru...@optusnet.com.au

Phone: 07 3844 1678
Mobile: 0400 557 511

Facebook: http://facebook.com/Changa181
Skype: blindboxer1967

-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org
On Behalf Of chris hallsworth
Sent: Saturday, 14 April 2012 4:57 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Virtual Audio Streaming

It's simpler. Not sure about better yet. I never got the hang of
Audio Cable.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 13/04/2012 17:47, Rishi D Mack wrote:
Is this better than virtual audio cable? Or V A C is better?

-----Original Message-----
From: chris hallsworth [mailto:christopher...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 11:42 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Virtual Audio Streaming

I found an interesting program/driver combination over on another
It is basically a virtual audio card. It allows you to basically do
Stereo Mix could offer in XP, but perhaps more. This is especially
useful for Vista and later users, or XP users whose sound card does
support Stereo Mix. Free trial with "trial" noise, whatever that is,
added as part of the evaluation's limitations, available at
www.virtualaudiostreaming.net. The program is called Virtual Audio
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