Thanks Chris for sticking up for me.

-----Original Message----- From: Christopher Chaltain
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:07 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: winamp bookmarks

I think Ken's just asking where Winamp stores it's bookmarks in Windows
7. I'm guessing he's getting tripped up by the directory changes from
Windows XP to Windows 7. If this is the case, I think the message is
still on topic and the subject is even OK. It's just the text of the
message that's a little confusing.

On 13/01/12 10:57, Tom wrote:
Messages discussing text files are not even close to being
audio related and your message has nothing to do with the
subject line.  Please keep posts on topic.

Thank you,


** Message From: ken reed **
Hi folks,
Where or how can I save bookmarks in a text file.
I’m using windows 7.
Just when I found it in xp, along comes windows 7 and
everything is hay wire.

Kenneth Reed
Keep Swinging

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