yeah just copy your license key and you'll be fine. And is it a turkey? It's not a duck? Ducks are cute and they quack! and there is always something amusing to me about hearing elequence say, quack!

Dave C. Bahr

On 1/10/2012 9:55 PM, kim kelly wrote:
You just put it on your new computer you should not need to pay for a
new licenses.
I've had my licenses for almost 7 years.
I've put that turkey on several different computers.
It is now on two or three different ones.
two desktops, and a laptop.

Kim McNatt-Kelly
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Danny Miles"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 12:32 PM
Subject: Transferring GoldWave Licence

Hi everyone. The other day my GoldWave licence expired and I decided
to buy a lifetime licence. However, I've now discovered that I'm
buying a new laptop in the next couple of days, so I'm wondering how I
would be able to:
(a) download the programme to my new laptop without paying for another
licence, and
(b) transfer the current licence from my old laptop to the new one

Any help will be gratefully received.


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