Tom, the problem is not specifically Window-eyes; rather, all one has to
do is to install the QT scripts for Window-eyes, and Tapin radio runs
like a champ, and all facets of it work just great.
Don Roberts
On 11/12/2011 9:13 AM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
Since Tapin Radio was mentioned in Chris's post, I have a question
(actually it's for a friend of mine who isn't on this list) but I ask
because, it seems like sometime back, this came up: my friend has
Window-eyes and installed Tapin Radio. However, he can't get hardly
anything to read! I seem to recall that there was a problem with Tapin
Radio and Window--eyes..but that there was a "work-around; is this
correct? And if so, what is it? Thanks!
Tom Kaufman
----- Original Message ----- From: "chris hallsworth"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Re tune in radio for,the P C.
I would say Tapin Radio is the Tune In Radio for the PC. Please google
for it. Thanks!
Chris Hallsworth
Sent from Thunderbird
On 12/11/2011 11:17, Alan Pollard wrote:
Hi List,the imfo on google re ,Tune in radio seems to be mostly
concerning there App for mobile platforms and is it also available
for a,XP pc? if so please what is the best site to download it
from.Thanks for any imfo ?.Alan
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