Okay, here's the situation.

The "Live audio" update Robert discusses in his podcast is not a critical 
firmware update, that is to say Jambox will function quite nicely with or 
without it.

I was aware of the "Live Audio" add-on and I will download it perhaps as soon 
as I get my head around the Updater utility, as Robert says its not the easiest 
thing to use when using a Screen Reader <smile>.

The procedure Robert goes through doesn't switch between stereo and normal 
mode, rather it switches the "Live Audio" component on or off.

"Live Audio" is similar to say a "3D Affect" on a hi-fi system, on Squeezebox 
Boom etc so its nice and handy sometimes.

On 14/11/2011, at 11:26 AM, Gary King wrote:

> Dain,
> I'm sure there's information on the JamBox update page that tells how to 
> invoke Live Audio Mode, but I first heard about it by listening to Robert 
> Carter's review at
> http://robertcarter.posterous.com/
> Live Audio Mode only works when connected via Bluetooth.  If the update is 
> installed, the speech in the JamBox announces Live Audio when you hold both 
> volume controls down for a couple of seconds,, and you will hear the stereo 
> effect expand.
> Gary King
> w4...@bellsouth.net
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" <grtd...@internode.on.net>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 3:36 PM
> Subject: Re: Jawbone Jambox portable bluetooth speaker
>> Who told you to hold both volume controls down? I've never heard of this 
>> before.
>> I'm not saying your wrong.
>> Up till now I've controlled my iPod from the unit itself.
>> On 14/11/2011, at 5:43 AM, Gary King wrote:
>>> Dain,
>>> Did your JamBox come with the Live Audio update installed?  The one I 
>>> ordered from AMAZON.COM didn't.  The first thing I tried after starting 
>>> music on my iPod Touch was to hold both volume buttons down to start Live 
>>> Audio Mode, but nothing happened.
>>> I then went to the web site and installed the JawBone Updater.  This 
>>> program opens the update page, and I found that the free NVDA screen reader 
>>> seemed to work a little better than either JFW or Window-Eyes on this page. 
>>>  After updating, Live Audio was impressive for its ability to spread the 
>>> stereo effect from such a small speaker.  Of course, for Live Audio to work 
>>> properly, you must sit directly in front of the speaker at the optimum 
>>> distance.
>>> Gary King
>>> w4...@bellsouth.net
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>>> <grtd...@internode.on.net>
>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>> Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 4:32 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Jawbone Jambox portable bluetooth speaker
>>>> Okay well a couple of points I'd like to comment on.
>>>> I know various people around the world who have them and who have tested 
>>>> the update software.
>>>> Yep, it would appear to be a challenge for a blind person to use it would 
>>>> seem, the people I know have sight so they've used it and all report that 
>>>> no updates are available at this time.
>>>> I take your point about bluetooth devices but you certainly do not need a 
>>>> bluetooth device on hand to use one of these things, as I said they have a 
>>>> line-in socket thus make a truly marvelous portable speaker system, I plug 
>>>> a very nice Denon tuner into mine for example.
>>>> On 13/11/2011, at 8:53 PM, Matthew Bullis wrote:
>>>>> OK, well if you could let us know when you do get to that, if you do, as 
>>>>> maybe some units, purchased from various sellers around the world, might 
>>>>> not be selling the unit with the latest upgrades in. If I had the unit, I 
>>>>> would go test this myself, but I need to wait until I get a bluetooth 
>>>>> device yet, which is a bit down the road for me.
>>>>> Thanks a lot.
>>>>> Matthew
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