Hello, Matthew,

When we spoke, we were discussing cd xp burner.  That's worked great for me.

I've received a number of messages dealing with putting cds on a hard drive.  I 
must read all of them to see what the concensus may be.

Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness.

Joe G.

----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew Bullis <matthewbul...@runbox.com>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Date: Wednesday, Aug 10, 2011 21:34:28
Subject: Re: putting coulds on a hard drive

>         Hello again. I use COULDEX for this purpose, and I think that was the 
> program we used when I was on the phone with you. You'll run into the same 
> problem that you had before, if it won't recognize the cd info. It will make 
> a folder called no artist, with a folder called no title inside of it, if 
> you set it up this way. Then you'll need to rename the folders, but the ID3 
> tags won't be filled in properly, though you could tab through and fill in 
> the artist and title info before you hit f9 to extract into mp3. F8 extracts 
> to .wav, by the way.. If you take the time to do the filling in of the info 
> before extracting, then the folders that are created will be relevant.
> Matthew 
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