Bless you, as usual, James! Smile. We did indeed try that mysterious button
on the remote control, but I suppose since there really wasn't any
audiodescription on this particular DVD, the choice didn't show up.

I do think, though, that this whole issue is still really confusing. I
understand that this thing is produced in England, but since I also thought
Universal was involved and said they were adding audiodescription to their
DVD's, it would also stand to reason you could get those in the U.S.

In any case, thanks very much indeed for the proper website to find this

Take care!


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of James Scholes
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 5:03 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Finding an actual DVD with audiodescription

First, I think you're all missing the Audio button on your DVD player remote
controls.  This button, when pressed, will switch between audio languages
for every single DVD on the planet, so if the DVD has audio description,
that's how you can find it without using the menus.  There are no exceptions
to this rule.

Secondly, as the audio description for the Harry Potter DVD's is produced by
a UK company (ITFC), it stands to reason that yes, you can only purchase
described copies in the United Kingdom.  For a list of DVD's available in
the UK with AD, please visit:

Hope that helps.

Previously, kim kelly said:
> You got it for sure.
> What a real stupid situation.
> Kim McNatt-Kelly
> Email and facebook:
> Mobile:
> 509-552-3850
> Have a wonderful day.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Bahr" <>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
> Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 9:34 PM
> Subject: Re: Finding an actual DVD with audiodescription
>> yeah which is rediculous. You'd think that with all the other fancy 
>> features they pack into a dvd that a talking menu system and audio 
>> description would be fairly easy. I mean, they have closed captions 
>> and dubbing, so why not audio description? And they used to have 
>> talking vcrs but no talking dvd players? Or some sort of talking menu 
>> on the dvd itself?
>> Ok I'm done now. But come on, it's like the talking book library when 
>> they send me print materials about the new braille catalogue. Really?
>> Dave c. bahr
>> On 7/17/2011 11:31 PM, Byron Stephens wrote:
>>>  You can find the audio description part, though you need sighted 
>>> help  to do it. ----- Original Message ----- From: "kathy szinnyey"
>>> <> To: <>; "PC  
>>> Audio Discussion List" <>; "PC Audio Discussion  
>>> List" <> Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2011 6:47 PM
>>>  Subject: Finding an actual DVD with audiodescription
>>>  I do appologize if this is not quite appropriate for this list, but 
>>> I  don't know who else to ask. Several months ago I bought a Harry  
>>> Potter DVD that I thought would have audiodescription. It was my  
>>> (apparently wrong) understanding that all those films would have  
>>> audiodescription. Either we can't find it on the DVD or it's just 
>>> not  there. I live in the U.S. and was using Amazonddcom to buy it. 
>>> When I  googled Deathly Hallows Part 1 audiodescription, the first 
>>> thing that  came up was from amazonddco. Does this mean you can only 
>>> get the  audiodescribed version from the UK? I do have a lovely,Mp-3 
>>> copy of  this film but do want the physical DVD so that I can watch 
>>> it with a  group of blind and sighted friends. So where in the world 
>>> can I find  such an animal?
>>>  Thanks as always for your wonderful help.
>>>  Peace, Kathy
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James Scholes


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