Have you gone to the Applian site and to the support help desk?
There is also a list for Replay.
I will write back when I can find the information about the list.
Kim McNatt-Kelly
Email and facebook:
Have a wonderful day.
----- Original Message -----
From: "kev lyon" <kr...@eklyon.co.uk>
To: "pc audio" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 11:19 AM
Subject: replay AV problems
hi all, been using this program for years on the same pc. today for some
reason i cannot do anything with it. if i try using the media guide i'm
told it's blocked by a fire wall. i've uninstalled, reinstalled, even
changed which firewall i'm using, and it's definately not blocked. also i
have a load of preset radio stations from which i record stuff regularly,
and it won't connect to any of them either, either manually, or when i set
them record as i always do in the scheduler.
i've restored my system to 2, 3 and 4 days ago, and it's still not playing
has anyone got a clue as too what might be happening?
there's nothing wrong with my internet connection, and total recorder, for
example, is recording fine from my sound card and the internet, so i'm
sure it's not a connection problem in that respect.
oh and i've also tried removing the current version of replay AV that im
using 8.5.2, and reinstalling 8.4.3, and even though that version has
worked perfectly in the past, even that won't now.
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