HI James,

I found that you can use the search box in foobar to queue tracks by
finding your tracks via your search term, highlighting the track or tracks
you want to queue and then copying the tracks to the clipboard. Then you
close search box and going to the track you want to put the songs after
then paste the tracks from the clipboard. It isn't as quite as automatic as
winamp but it can be done. I'm sure there must be a plugin or component to
do this.

David Truong.

Phone: 0400 557 511

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-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org]
On Behalf Of James Scholes
Sent: Wednesday, 20 April 2011 10:25 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: FYI foobar and winamp blog

Hi Barry,

First, I'll start with the ones that are definite yes's:

3. The ability to tell the player to stop playing at the end of the
current track or a selected track further along in the playlist.

4. The ability to play the last ten seconds or so of a track without
needing to specify the time.  (plug-in needed -

5. The ability to jump to a specified time in a track.  (plug-in needed
- http://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_seek_box)

6. The ability to move forward and back by 5 second increments in a
track by the use of arrow keys or similar.

7. The ability to read the sample rate, bit rate and number of tracks of
a file.

8. The ability to modify ID3 tags.

9. The ability to cross fade tracks (I know this can be done with Foobar).

10. The ability to equalise the output volume of files.

Now, for the ones which I'm not too sure about:

1. The ability to search for a file in a playlist and move it to
immediately after the currently playing track.  (there is a playlist
search function that works well, however I'm not sure how easy it is to
queue search results after the currently playing track)

2. The ability to locate a file with Windows Explorer and insert it into
the playlist immediately after the currently playing track.  This can be
done with Winamp although how to do it is not immediately obvious.
(queuing songs from Windows Explorer is definitely possible, however
once again I'm not sure about having songs queued in a certain order.
Perhaps you could try the same method you use with Winamp with Foobar if
it is a universal Windows Explorer trick?)

Previously, Barry Chapman said:
> I have been a long time Winamp user, but have been reading the recent
discussion on Foobar2000 with interest.  I would consider
> changing to Foobar if it can do all of the following, which are possible
with Winamp.  The inability to do them would be a show
> stopper for me.
> 1. The ability to search for a file in a playlist and move it to
immediately after the currently playing track.
> 2. The ability to locate a file with Windows Explorer and insert it into
the playlist immediately after the currently playing track.
> This can be done with Winamp although how to do it is not immediately
> 3. The ability to tell the player to stop playing at the end of the
current track or a selected track further along in the playlist.
> 4. The ability to play the last ten seconds or so of a track without
needing to specify the time.
> 5. The ability to jump to a specified time in a track.
> 6. The ability to move forward and back by 5 second increments in a track
by the use of arrow keys or similar.
> 7. The ability to read the sample rate, bit rate and number of tracks of
a file.
> 8. The ability to modify ID3 tags.
> 9. The ability to cross fade tracks (I know this can be done with
> 10. The ability to equalise the output volume of files.
> That will do for starters.  Can anyone say if it is possible to do the
above with Foobar.
> Thanks,
> Barry Chapman
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brett Boyer"<bboyer...@gmail.com>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List"<pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 4:53 AM
> Subject: FYI foobar and winamp blog
> Hi with all the discussion around Foobar and Winamp. Here is an
interesting blog about it.
> http://winamp2foobar.blogspot.com/
> I'm not trying to continue a pointless argument just sending some
information along.
> I am planning to do a podcast later this month about foobar as well.
> thanks
> bb
> Brett Boyer
> Audio Production and voice over
> http://brettboyer.voices.com
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James Scholes


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