Version 3.6.1 of the Winamp scripts for Window-Eyes have just been
released. Because version 3.6 was a major release I've included the
changes in versions 3.6 and 3.6.1 below:

Enhancements and Bug Fixes in the April 15th Release (Version 3.6):

1.  GWToolkit version 8.3.5 is required for this release.

2.  Check for Updates is now defaulted to on for new installations of
the Winamp Script/Application.

3.  A new hotkey, Control-Windows-A, has been added to allow you to
manually enter a bookmark into Winamp's Bookmark list.

4.  The Winamp Add Bookmark Key (Control-Alt-B) will update the Winamp
Script so that presets can be added if a new bookmark file is created 
(adding your first bookmark).

5.  The bookmark manager will now open even if a Bookmark file is not

6.  When defining a preset the following changes were made:

A.  Recently Heard Links which are added to the list to be selected
from are now properly labeled in the list as "Recently Heard Link"

B.  A bookmark file is no longer required to define a preset. If one
isn't present then an attempt to load its data is skipped.

C.  A new button in the selection list has been added to allow you to
manually type in the Name and URL of the preset. Shortcut keys were
also added to each of the buttons in this dialog.

D.  If no recently heard links or bookmarks are found then you are
automagically taken to a dialog to type in the Name and URL of the
preset yourself.

7.  A new hotkey has been added (Control-Grave Accent). This key was
added to handle executing commands that Qwitter takes over by default
due to lower level keyboard hooking. Here is a description of this

The following keys may be pressed in this mode:

A - Press the letter A to add a Bookmark to Winamp.
F - Press the letter F to jump to the next Bookmark.
H - Press the letter H to hear this help text.
K - Press the letter K to open the Winamp Hotkey Manager.
M - Press the letter m to open the Time Bookmark Manager.
R - Press the letter R to hear the remaining sleep time.
S - Press the letter S to select a sound card for use.
T - Press the letter T to toggle Title Logging on and off.
V - Press the letter V to hear the current Winamp Application/Script version.

All other keys are ignored in this mode.

8.  The SelectSoundCard command now doesn't need to have the 
option enabled first. If it is not enabled you will be prompted to
enable it.

9.  Enhanced the Winamp Alarm functionality to be able to be configured
even without a bookmark file as originally intended. Removed much code
in the process.

10.  Fixed a bug in the Winamp Messages dialog having to do with the
now obsolete Intermediate button.

11.  All reported errors through the use of Error Reporting  have been

Enhancement in the April 15th Release (Version 3.6.1):

Added a Browse Button to the Add Preset Manually dialog to allow you to
define a file as a preset.

Regards Steve
MSN Messenger:
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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