Hi Brian,

This may not be a practical solution but if you're familiar with
Window-Eyes or perhaps want to try a demonstration copy of Window-Eyes
there are Window-Eyes scripts for Adobe Audition 3 available at


Information about the scripts are below:

This script provides speech enhancements to Adobe Audition 3 when
navigating around the Audition interface (for example, when using
Alt-Page Up and Alt-Page Down to focus the various panes). For a list of
all keyboard shortcuts, refer to the Adobe Audition Help menu.

Regards Steve.

On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 15:59:34 -0500
Brian Blair <brianbl...@polarblairs.org wrote:

My employer has Adobe Audition 1.0 and I've heard that 1.5 fixes some 
problems in 1.0.  However, I've heard that later versions are pretty 
inaccessible with speech.  Does anyone here have experience with the latest 
version of Adobe Audition? I've seen some JFW scripts for Audition 1.0 but I 
find Soundforge much easier to use.  However, since our network of radio 
stations use Audition it's helpful to be able to use it, and I'd like to see 
us upgrade to a later version.

Regards Steve
Email:  s...@internode.on.net
MSN Messenger:  internetuser...@hotmail.com
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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