You can download it here
This is just the player. If you want, you can download and install the
combined comunity codec pac, a pacage that includes this player and all
you need to watch video, not only dvds
You can find it here
Skype: gianluca8815
On 14/01/2011 21:03, Tom Kaufman wrote:
Where do I get this "media Player" thing?
Tom Kaufman
----- Original Message ----- From: "Gianluca Apollaro"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: Playing DVD's [was "Re: Hopefully Not "off-Topic""]
Hi Tom, use media player classic homecinema to play dvd. It is a
great software
Skype: gianluca8815
On 14/01/2011 20:00, Tom Kaufman wrote:
Hi Christopher: Thanks; wasn't sure (since this is mostly an "audio"
list..if "video"..would be "on Topic! (don't want to get in trouble
with our moderator--smile!
Tom Kaufman
----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Chaltain"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 1:55 PM
Subject: Playing DVD's [was "Re: Hopefully Not "off-Topic""]
How could you possibly think this is off topic for this list? :-)
I would suggest using a better subject line though. If I'd been
checking this from another PC, I probably would have skipped over a
subject that doesn't say anything but "I hope this isn't off
topic." You probably wish I had checked this from my cell phone
though, since I can't help you. I did go ahead and change the
subject line though.
On 1/14/2011 12:47 PM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
Hi list: I know this is an "audio list"..but my problem concerns
playing DVDs! Am trying to assess if the reason why my computer
will not play DVDs is the fault of the DVD drive..or if I just
need the right DVD playing software to play the things! Let me
give you some background first: just before Christmas, I was given
some CDs to record to cassette (one of them didn't work..or so I
thought)..the long and short of it is that..what I thought was a
CD was a DVD! So I decided to try to play it in my computer to
find out for sure! I tried Windows soap; I also tried
using Real Player (got video..but no sound)..I tried Power DVD (it
told me I had to buy it (I didn't think I did..but that's what it
was telling me (that my "trial period had run out!" So I called my
tech; he put me on to this program called VLC Media Player! I
tried a couple of DVDs in it; it'll play them..but not right; I
don't know if I can explain what it's doing (by the way..this VLC
Media Player isn't that accessible) maybeyou folks can also
point me in the right direction with that too! But with VLC Media
player, the DVDs will at least "play"..but it skips and jumps and
just sounds crazy! So as you can probably figure out, I need to
know if I need to have something done with my DVD drive..or do I
just need the right program (hopefully one that is
accessible)..BTW-I do have some vision, so I would need something
that will show me the video (I've heard of DVD Audio
Extractor..which won't work for my purposes! I'll be most grateful
for any help or direction you can give..and my apologies if this
is "off-topic"..since this is a PC Audio list; I just don't know
where else to turn at the moment!
Tom Kaufman
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