Hi! As promised to the list quite some time ago I'd report on my Apple TV though it seems that other people have beaten me to the punch which is excellent!
Unfortunately my delay was due to the fact that I had to rely on sighted assistance to update the Apple TV units firmware, version 4.0 doesn't come with Voiceover and that's what the Apple TV was running when I purchased it. Then came the problem of sighted help not having 24 hours to spare <smile>, in the time allotted me by sighted assistance I couldn't get the device connected to the Internet to download the 4.1 firmware update so a different approach was required, got Sighted assistance to drop the unit in to their local Apple Store. The units firmware was updated without a problem as I knew it would be and I'd hoped to be using the Apple TV on Christmas night but this was not to be due to the fact that Sighted Assistance had too much more important Christmasy-type stuff on his mind thus forgot completely about the Apple TV, yours truly is certainly not complaining as Sighted Assistance had been in discussions with Santa for some time about my Christmas Ipad-type present which I very gratefully received, I lost enough sleep setting that up on Christmas Night thanks and I can only begin to imagine just how much more sleep I would have lost setting up an Apple TV too! <smile>. But all's well that end's well, Sighted Assistance turned up today with Apple TV and Voiceover enabled, i have it connected to my wi-fi network and the unit is performing far better than I would have believed possible. I've already started writing about it on my Twitter pages and I'll shortly be writing some notes and observations on Apple TV for my blog. TO summaries, this little square box puts audio and video from computers and the Internet right into the palm of your hand literally thanks to the well designed remote control, without Voiceover such a device would be almost completely pointless for me, surfing radio stations, podcasts and so on are now done from the comfort of my armchair rather than from the comfort of my executive chair in front of the computer or by perching an Iphone on my shoulder or an Ipad on my chest <smile>. So much to learn, so little time and a very long way to go! To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org