Greetings, Chris Halsworth wrote on 7 December advising of a planned new list for total Recorder, I have now set this up on GoogleGroups.
The list is closed, meaning subscription is by invitation only. So, if you wish to join, please write to me at: I look forward to meeting with you there, especially if you are an experienced T.R user. There is now an update, which is Total Recorder 8.2 (build 4200). >From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in Southern England and though down here, Christmas after all this year is likely to be green rathr than white, his favourite news reader on radio 4, Charlotte Green, is off due to a problem with her hip. Colin misses her lovely green, giggly voice. Meanwhile, Colin hopes all will have an enjoyable Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: