This edition of Innovations can be downloaded from
Regards Steve. From: Chrissie Cochrane To: whats on On this week's Innovations we start off as usual with Technobits, our brief look at some new technology news stories. After that we have a re-run of an interview Chrissie did with Marianne Van Der Meulen from Solutions Radio, and we have a demonstration of the web radio from Solutions Radio. This re-run is to coincide with our Solutions Radio carol contest on the Global Voice. We follow this with a look at the new radio from CCrane, the CC Radio EP with Tim Hindle. Finally it's yet more styles from the Tyros 3 with Chrissie Cochrane. Innovations is first heard on the Global Voice at 17:00 UTC, 12 pm Eastern, 9 pm Pacific - check our website for times of repeats. Chrissie Managing Director; the Global Voice Listen for the great Christmas Carol Contest on the Global Voice from Solutions Radio. between 15 November and 18 December. and win a web radio Regards Steve Email: MSN Messenger: Skype: steve1963 Twitter: steve9782 To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: