From:  Aaron Howell
 To:  Vip-l Mailing list


Another common reason cited by Blind people for not wanting an iDevice 
(iPod, iPhone, etc), over another type of media player is the lack of
ability to play back vorbis encoded files (specifically ogg audio). I am
pleased to say that limitation is gone.

Today, VLC (a popular desktop media player) was released for the iPhone
and iPod touch, (it has been available for a while for the iPad).

 it is fully accessible with Voiceover, and plays back a ton of
different formats including ogg audio and other vorbis encoded files.

At the moment, not all file extensions which are playable are actually
recognized by the player. If you copy an ogg file to your phone, it
won't show up in vlc, however, if you rename it to .mp4, it will both
show up and play perfectly.

So, if the lack of ogg support has been holding you back from buying an
iphone or iPod, rush out and buy one today. oh, and vlc is free, of
course, just as it is on the desktop.

(Of course, your iDevice has to be able to run applications, so this
isn't going to help iPod Nanos or iPod shuffles get ogg support


Regards Steve
MSN Messenger:
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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