Hi Barry,

I just tried using the jump option as you described in the latest beta
of Winamp 5.59 using Window-Eyes 7.2 and the items in the list of found
results read correctly without any problems and I could tell which item
was selected.  I then did the same test using the latest version of NVDA
and it gave me exactly the same result as Window-Eyes.  I don't have a
copy of JAWS installed to test this with JAWS.  I hope this helps.

Regards Steve.

On Mon, 25 Oct 2010 09:34:22 +1100
"Barry Chapman" <ba...@bchapman.id.au> wrote:

Has anyone tried the jump option with this version of Winamp and JAWS
11 or 12?

If I load a playlist, press j for jump, enter a word to search for and
tab to the list of found tracks, when I arrow down the list, all I hear
is no selected item rather than the name of the track.  How is it with
Window Eyes?

Regards Steve
Email:  s...@internode.on.net
MSN Messenger:  internetuser...@hotmail.com
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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