What is different in her manual from the original one to make a blind person
to pay 25 bucks for it, please?

-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org]
On Behalf Of russell Bourgoin
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 3:51 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Fwd: Re: DM-4 user's Manual

Hi list,

         I'm forwarding this message as Pat asks.

>DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
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>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2010 13:44:57 -0500
>To: russell Bourgoin <ru...@thesoundzone.com>
>From: Pat Ferguson <pat.ferguson...@gmail.com>
>Subject: Re: DM-4 user's Manual
>Dear Rus,
>Just so you know, we do sell the DM-4 recorder and we do ship the 
>tutorial free with the purchase of the DM-4 tutorial that I personally did.
>If You can please pass this information on to the PC audio list, which 
>I am not a member of., please I would be so very grateful.
>See below here:
>Ferguson Technologies Inc. Formerly Ferguson Enterprises sells the
>DM-4 DAISY and Digital recorder for $299.99 and with it you get the 
>autio tutorials that I did for this unit.. Plus, you get free technical 
>support, via email or phone during our business hours.
>If you have purchased the DM-4 recorder from someone else, and if you 
>would like my tutorial, you may purchase it for $25.00, as a download. 
>Or, we ship you the CD for $30.00.
>If you want to purchase the DM-520 recorder, you will receive the 
>tutorial free for that recorder, as well.
>If you have purchased the DM-520 recorder from someone else, and you 
>would like my tutorial, youmay purchase it for $25.00 as a download, or 
>by paying $30.00, you will receive the mp3 audio tutorial on CD.
>As our tutorials are updated, with new information, you will receive 
>free updates, when you have purchased any of our tutorials.
>We do provide free technical support with all the products we sell.
>You may subscribe to our news letter by sending a message to:
>This is an announce only, and  moderator approved list, to prevent spam.
>You will get what you deserve from Ferguson Technologies, formerly 
>Ferguson Enterprises. We have been in business for over 30 years, and 
>we take pride in providing you with the best most accessible products, 
>and the best service possible.
>You may contact us during our business hours: Tuesday through Friday, 8 
>AM to 5 PM Central Standard Time, and on Saturdays, from 8 AM to noon 
>PM Central Standard Time. We are closed on Sundays, Mondays, and all 
>major Holidays.
>Our contact information is below.
>Ferguson Technologies, Inc.
>205 Joliet Ave., S. E.
>Suite 101
>De Smet, SD. 57231-2411
>Voice: 605-854-9280
>email: sa...@fergusontechnologiesinc.net
>Thank you.

Life isn't so much about how to survive the storm, it is about the
willingness to dance in the rain !!
Visit me at: http://www.thesoundzone.com

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