Okay, I looked on the www.videoredo.com web page, and the latest they seem to have is 3.1.5, which I'm using now. I see nothing in regards to 4.0. How did you find this upgrade?

On 9/12/2010 9:10 AM, Edwin wrote:
Hi there,

Actually, the latest version of video re-do tv suite 4 does have support for wtv formats. also, if u are using windows 7, u could just convert wtv formats to dvrms.



From: "Rob" <rarm...@mindspring.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 11:05 PM
To: <blindrep...@freelists.org>; "'Technology list for the Blind and Vision Impaired'" <blindt...@blindtech-list.info>; "'PC Audio'" <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Subject: Convert .WTV Recorded TV To DVRMS2

I am looking for a JAWS friendly program to convert recorded tv from Windows 7 Media Center (.wtv) to DVRMS2 format. I want to use Video Redo TV Suite
to remove commercials and perform other edits on the program.

Does the latest version of Replay Media Converter include the .WTV format?

What other program will perform this conversion?

Thanks for your help.


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