I have Sonar 8. How accessible will this be without CakeTalking? At this time it is not affordable for me.
--------- character is found in how you treat people who can't do anything for you. robert Doc Wright http://www.wrighthere.net skype: talmidim ** WRIGHTJAMS I bet somewhere at home you still have those stacks of wax! That crate of cassettes. Those tunes that bring back special memories. You've looked near and far but not all are available on CD. What are you to do? Let Wright jams convert those LPs and cassettes for you. Wright jams can take those 33s and 45s and recreate them for you on CD in the best quality possible. Wrightjams now offers limited audio production for radio programs and voice overs. Pricing: LPs... $15.00 45S... $15.00 FOR A GROUP OF 8 (A and B sides) Cassettes... Commercial $15.00 Home made $20.00 Bulk rate: 21-50 $12.50(each) 51 - 100 $10:00(each) Audio production $25 per hour To arrange an appointment Contact doc Wright Phone: 720-213-4871 Email: talmid...@comcast.net To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org