
Actually it is not just mp3 convertor but I also get the video in mp4 format as well as other formats.



At Saturday 8/14/2010 06:35 PM, Chris Hallsworth wrote:
Hi, quite impressed with Free Youtube to MP3 converter.

Signed by Chris Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook: christopher...@googlemail.com
MSN: ch9...@hotmail.com
Skype: chrishallsworth7266
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Christopherh40
Klango: chrishallsworth
If you have any computer problems or queries, please contact me on the above channels. Many thanks.

On 14/08/2010 12:38, Akbar S Currim wrote:

How about Youtube Downloader from http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/

It seems to work great for me. And it is free!


At Saturday 8/14/2010 02:13 AM, Chris Hallsworth wrote:
Hello all,
I found the perfect program to capture Youtube and other videos. It's
called Replay Media Capture and you can try it for free from
www.applian.com. If all you want to do is capture videos from Youtube
then the demo is enough; other recordings however will be shortened by

Signed by Chris Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook: christopher...@googlemail.com
MSN: ch9...@hotmail.com
Skype: chrishallsworth7266
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Christopherh40
Klango: chrishallsworth
If you have any computer problems or queries, please contact me on the
above channels. Many thanks.

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