Hey Jonathan!
you're very welcome.
Jörgen Hansson!
Tel +46 703-601296
skype: djtropical4532
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan Mosen" <jmo...@mosen.org>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:58 PM
Subject: RE: Internet Broadcasting Audio Tutorial to be Released

Thanks Jörgen, I appreciate that very much.


-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org]
On Behalf Of Jörgen Hansson
Sent: Friday, 28 May 2010 8:50 a.m.
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Internet Broadcasting Audio Tutorial to be Released

Hi there Jonathan!
this seems absolutely intresting, and I wish you and the other guys good
luck with that.
and another thing, I have been listening to your podcasts on FS Cast, and I
enjoy them very much, you're doing a great job there.
Jörgen Hansson!
Tel +46 703-601296
skype: djtropical4532
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Mosen" <jmo...@mosen.org>
To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:53 PM
Subject: Internet Broadcasting Audio Tutorial to be Released

Mushroom FM is proud to announce the imminent release of the Mushroom
FM Fun Guys Guide to Internet Broadcasting.

Over the years I've met, or been in correspondence with, people who
love the idea of getting into Internet radio as a broadcaster, but who
really don't know where or how to get started. In the short and very
successful period Mushroom FM has been around, we've been approached
by a number of people who would make fantastic team members, if they
could unravel the technical mysteries of how to make Internet radio

In talking about this issue with Brian Hartgen, who is Operations
Manager at Mushroom FM, we decided to create an audio tutorial that we
could give to people who approached us about being part of the team,
but didn't know where to start. And so the work began, with us
dividing the work roughly in half for us to complete outside of our
day job time.

Now that the project is near completion, we realise that what we have
created is a resource for which there has been considerable demand for
some years within the blind community. So we have decided to donate
this work, and make the tutorial available for free to anyone who
wants to know a bit about Internet broadcasting. We hope many people
will benefit from it, and that if you, like us, get bitten by the
Internet radio bug, you'll approach Mushroom FM, the people taking
voluntary Internet broadcasting to the next level with our
innovations, quality output, and high standards.

With over three hours of audio content, The Mushroom FM Fun Guys Guide
to Internet Broadcasting will be released soon as a DAISY audio book,
able to be played with software DAISY players, as well as portable
devices capable of DAISY playback. This will make it easy for you to
listen on whatever player suits you, while you follow along on your PC.

Topics covered include:
A detailed look at StationPlaylist Studio that shows how to set up and
run this software in an Internet broadcast situation. You'll learn
about the benefits of using a mixer, how to cope with requests, how to
use cart machines and more.
A look at options for getting your broadcast to the Internet,
including using facilities within StationPlaylist Studio, using free
Winamp tools, or the optional StationPlaylist Streamer.
Using the Sam Encoders with soon to be released JAWS scripts to
optimise your streaming experience.
A session where you hear all the tools we've discussed in action as an
actual radio show goes to air.
A brief overview of StationPlaylist Creator and how it can be used to
make live Internet broadcasting easier.

We'll post again when the Mushroom FM Fun Guys Guide to Internet
Broadcasting is available for free download from the Mushroom FM
website at http://www.MushroomFM.com
<blocked::http://www.mushroomfm.com/> .

Jonathan Mosen,
Station manager,
Mushroom FM, the home of the Fun Guys
http://www.MushroomFM.com <blocked::http://www.mushroomfm.com/>
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