Sorry John, but I can't help you. I know you can rip CD's with Winamp, but
I've never done it myself. I know the Pro version gives you higher ripping
speeds. I still use WMP for that. I used to use CDEX before I started
leaning on WMP for ripping my CD's. Maybe others on this list can help you



-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of DJ DOCTOR P
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:20 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Winamp question

High Chris,
That's one reason why I don't use WMP.
Winamp has that media player beat in that aspect and respect.
I use to use WMP for ripping and burning CD's.
But some how, something in WMP got broken because it won't rip or burn CD's
I use Winamp for the burning of CD's, but I'd like to know where the CD
ripper is in Winamp.
If you can tell me that, you'll be a big help to me!
Oh, and thinks in advance too!
My best regards.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Chaltain" <>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 8:46 PM
Subject: RE: Winamp question

> I'm running Winamp 5.572, and I do see AVI as a supported file type. 
> It's listed in the Winamp preferences in the file types list. When I 
> click on an AVI file in Windows Explorer, Winamp is the media player 
> that comes up and plays it. Did you install the lite or standard 
> version of Winamp? I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Did 
> you make sure that all of the file type support was installed when you 
> installed Winamp?
> I'm also pretty sure that WMP supports fast forwarding and rewinding 
> through the menus, hot keys or using the slide bar on the interface. I 
> don't typically use WMP though, so I can't be sure. Does fast 
> forwarding and rewinding in WMP work for you on other file types? My 
> biggest gripe with WMP is that I can't figure out how to control the 
> amount you jump in a file. I think it's based on a percent of the 
> overall length of the file.
> --
> Christopher
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> []
> On Behalf Of Dave McElroy WA6BEF
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:37 PM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: Winamp question
> Well the simple fact is that  AVI does not ppear as a supported file 
> type in
> 5.72 whereas it does in 5.32.  In fact, there are only 61 file types 
> with which to associate as opposed to 67 on the earlier one.  So it 
> would appear that I'm hosed.
> I wouldn't even mind except that I can't control Windows Media player, 
> I.E.
> it won't fast forward or rewind.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> []
> On Behalf Of Joe Paton
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 1:54 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: RE: Winamp question
> At 19:07 20/05/2010, you wrote:
>>Winamp opens as it should, the AVI file just doesn't play.  But it 
>>does/did in version 5.32, which I have on my laptop.  Did we lose some 
>>functionality with the later Winamp release?  Maybe I should go back 
>>to an earlier version?
> Joe writes,
> I don't think so.
> Back to my original post, have you checkd the file associations?
> and ensured that the video setting are correct?
> I'm guessing here, but it might be worth a shot.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>On Behalf Of Joe Paton
>>Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 1:21 AM
>>To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>Subject: Re: Winamp question
>>go to winamp prefferences.
>>start at the top of the tree with the home key.
>>arrow down to file types.
>>tab through the options and select the "all button"
>>Now go back to the tree view, and arrow down to video.
>>Tab through these options and make selections as appropriate.
>>See if that helps.
>>At 05:38 20/05/2010, you wrote:
>> >Much against my better judgement, I upgraded to the latest Winamp,
>> >5.72
> and
>> >since then I've been unable to play my AVI files.  Sure I can play 
>> >them
> in
>> >Windows Media player but I've no control over em; can't fast 
>> >forward,
>> >etc.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >I tried that K-lite kodec thing and all Ive done it seems to me is 
>> >added junk to my pc with no positive result.  Now the AVI file in 
>> >question
> plays
>> >nicely on my laptop with 5.32.  Any quick and dirty answers?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Many thanks.

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