that says record for 30 hours.
----- Original Message -----
From: "chris hallsworth" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: Very urgent help with GoldWave
Thank you so much. Greatly appreciated. Another question. Why is in the
new sound dialogue box, do I have to specify a time? I thought I set it
to 30:00:00.00, and I think that's where it's gone horribly wrong, as
maybe it only recorded for 30 seconds? Oh no!
Chris Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook:
Skype: chrishallsworth7266
On 15/05/2010 22:12, Mario Percinic wrote:
Hello Chris.
Open goldwave and press f11 to go into the list of the devices. Press
ctrl+tab to go on the recording tab and find the option called recording
mode and set it on the unbounded. After press ok and goldwave should be
able to record in the unlimited mode, as long as you have space on the
hard drive.
From: "chris hallsworth" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 10:56 PM
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Subject: Very urgent help with GoldWave
Hello all,
Please can you help me urgently? I need answers by Monday at the very
The other night I was doing a recording of a JAWS Tandem session as
part of my project. I use the latest GoldWave (5.55), running in trial
mode, and my system is running Windows 7 Starter. The recording
appeared to have went well, but now I've gone and played back the
file, it's only 26 seconds in long, instead of say 15 to 20 minutes!
So what do I need to do in GoldWave to make a more decent recording?
This is sure frustrating as I hoped the recording went well, only to
find out it got ruined somehow.
The reason why I would like ansers soon please is that my deadline for
my project is this coming Tuesday. This is part of my finals at
So all help will be very welcome indeed.
Thank you very much. Take care.
From a frustrated Chris.
Chris Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook:
Skype: chrishallsworth7266
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