Hello Steve thanks for sending these skype talking updates I really appreciate these updates and I really love the program I think skype talking works better than the JAWS skrips for skype.

On 5/3/2010 8:40 PM, Steve Pattison wrote:
From: Hrvoje Katic hrvojeka...@gmail.com
To: skypetalk...@googlegroups.com

  Hi all,

The first update for SkypeTalking 0.8 has just been released, and it
contains the following changes:
* Added new languages: Arabic, Finnish and Serbian.
* Added a command for reporting caller name, Alt+Ctrl+Shift+N by
default. It works during a call or at the moment when someone is calling.
* SAPI5 now works better with SkypeTalking. One of the things that you
will notice is that SAPI5 speech is now interrupted when releasing
another SkypeTalking command, so for example when reading messages you
no longer have to wait one message to be spoken in order to hear the
another one.
* Echoing of SkypeTalking keystrokes that becomes annoying with screen
reader such as JAWS has been prevented, since JAWS is echoing all of the
keystrokes that are not assigned to it's scripts unless it's keyboard
echo is set to None.
* Better displaying of language names in Settings Dialog/Language

Download links:
For the Installer:
For Portable Archive:



Regards Steve
Email:  s...@internode.on.net
MSN Messenger:  internetuser...@hotmail.com
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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