Goldwave also comes withthe Lame encoder which can be downloaded from as a plugin. I also commend Goldwave as a very easy to use and inexpensive sound recorder and editor. A licensed copy is only about $50 American or $59 Canadian. You can ddownload Goldwave as a free demo which will give you about 3 thousand key strokes before you have to take a decision to purchase or uninstall. For JAWS users there are scripts developed by Jim Grimsby and they work very well to create a very robust Goldwave Jaws Interface.
Rob Tabor
----- Original Message ----- From: "DJ DOCTOR P" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 4:09 AM
Subject: Re: saving and playing audio books from my NLS player

Hello Jonny and all other list members,
That is not really true.
You can use Wave Pad to edit an *.mp3 file.
These days, Wave Pad comes with the lame encoder.
So yes, it gives you the options to go back to *.mp3.
I know this because, I am using the free version of Wave Pad, and I've done
My best regards.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Curtis Delzer" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: saving and playing audio books from my NLS player

I would use mp3 direct cut, not wave pad because
wave pad or any other editor takes the *.mp3 and
makes it a *.wav file again, so you need to
re-encode. Mp3 direct cut handles the mp3
directly. Do your editing in studio recorder or
your favorite sound editor before making the *.mp3 files.
on Friday 4/30/2010 01:12 AM, JOHNNY CHILELLI said:
Hi Curtis,

May I please ask you if you know how to break up a single mp3 file
by permanent track markers using a program like Wave Pad? Do you recommend another simpler, more accessible, oh and yes not to expensive product for doing this?


Johnny Chilelli

On 4/30/2010 1:38 AM, Curtis Delzer wrote:
Of course you can save it as a *.mp3 file, just record it on your PC
using GoldWave or Studio Recorder, of course it would be 1X, and you'll
probably want to make chapter *.mp3s or some kind of markup so that you
can at least use a minimal kind of book marking, but sure, it can be
done, but not directly from the *.3gp files since they are encrypted.

Curtis Delzer.

on Thursday 4/29/2010 10:01 PM, DJ DOCTOR P said:
Hello Jim,
Your question has a 2 part answer.
There is good news, and bad news.
The good news is, yes you can save your NLS book to another pen and or
flash drive.
The bad news is, you can't save it as a usable format like *.mp3.
The people at the Bard Talk website has it encrypted so that it can't
be converted in to a standard audio file.
Hope this helps.
My best regards.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 10:43 PM
Subject: saving and playing audio books from my NLS player

Hi there Group!
Was wondering if it is posible to save a book from the NLS player to
a pin-drive
and place this book in some sort of useable format on my PC?
Something like an MP3
Much THANKS! de

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Student of Happiness

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Currently in Fessenden, North Dakota Mostly Clear, 46°F Wind:NNW-340° at
When you say that your troubles are as great as
my own, that may be true; but consider the fact
that mine happen to me while yours merely happen to you.

Curtis Delzer
W B 6 H E F

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