You can always hit end once it is added to the playlist and then use alt
up arrow to bring it up to the point you want it. You can alt and arrow
any file around.
On 4/28/2010 8:33 PM, Barry Chapman wrote:
Hi Brett,
Do you or anyone else know if there is an easy way with Winamp to insert a file
into the playlist at the point of the focus?
As an example, if the focus is on the track in the playlist three after the one
currently playing, I can press l to load another
track, but instead of being placed where I am focussed (which is what I would
like), it is always placed at the end of the playlist.
I then have to use the jump command to locate it, use the move after current
option which moves it to after the track currently
playing, arrow up to it then use alt+down arrow a couple of times to move it
down to where I want it. There should be an easier
Barry Chapman
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Boyer"<>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"<>
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 2:01 PM
Subject: using the jump command and cuing files
Hey all. Hopefully this will be helpful to some of you.
The jump command in winamp is quite powerful. I mean you can't kill anyone with
it but it's still pretty cool.
If you've ever tabbed around the jump dialog box you'll notice the different
buttons. Basically here is a brief how-to.
Jump is essentially a search command inside your current playlist in winamp. It
is the best and quickest way to find things in a The
jump dialog box is basically a search box inside your current playlist in
winamp. You can type in the edit box any string like
artist, title, or combination. Or just a word!
After that you will find your results in the list box. Note, there's no ok or
search button. Just start typing and tab over to the
list to see your results.
Here is a brief description of the following buttons once your cursor is on the
track you wanted.
Jump button: Jump immediately to a track
Even if winamp is stopped, or there is a track playing this will start
queue button This will queue up the track so it will play as the next song.
However this will move your cursor to that tracks
position in the playlist. So you will lose your current place when you do this.
BTW The queue command will also work with the next command.
The best button of them all!
Move after current button: This button will queue up the track and bring the
track to the next position on your playlist.
So you can queue it to be played next, and you don't lose your place. However
this is permanent another words if you go back it will
stay at the position you left it.
Well I tried to be brief but hopefully this was helpful to someone.
Also you can set which button is the default for the enter key. This makes
things easy if you want to queue up a bunch of files
without a lot of tabbing around.
Brett Boyer
Production / Program Director
KZBR 97.1 FM
Alamosa Colorado
Morning show. Comedy Block. Rockin Hits 24 / 7
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