Hello Joe!
Have you downloaded and installed the Audble Manager software? If not, find
the software link on the audible.com site and download then run the version
appropriate to your version of Windows of Mac.
Once you've installed that, go back to My Library find your book and after
changind the download level from 3 to 4 or at least making sure that you're
doing loading a book in quality level 4, hit the download link. That should
bring up a download page that refers to Aud Helper. That will put you book
in Audible Manager.
Once you've got your book downloaded into Audible Manager, connect your
Stream.And in Audible Manager find the authorize your player link. I
believe it's in the Devices menu. This will place a file on your Stream's
sd card that authorizes downloads to that card. You may find it helpful to
find that .exe file in your root directory on your Stream and make a copy of
it. You can then use copies of that file to authorize other cards that you
may use in your Stream. I don't remember the precise name of the file, but
I think you'll be able to figure it out.
Once your Stream and card are "authroized, you can go back into Audible
Manager. Find your book or portion of the book. and hit control+t to
download the book or portion to your Stream. That will happen pretty
There are lots of steps, but once you get it done the first time, you don't
have to repeat most of them with each successive download.
When you download a book, it does create a file in My Documents, but called
Audible. There open the downloads folder and focus on your book. If you
right click on the book or the portion of the book, you'll get a context
menu that among it various options includes something like send to Audible
Manager, send to Window Media player or send to any program for hich Audible
is enabled. I think these are fairly self-explanatory except for maybe the
last one. I think with that option you can send the book to your properly
authroized Stream.
I've mentioned book or portion of a book. Sometimes, Audible will divide a
book into two or more portions to help the downloads go faster. To get the
whole book, you'll need to download all portions.
Hope something in this is helpful. If not, write again and I'll see what I
can do.
----- Original Message -----
From: "joe bollard" <joebolla...@eircom.net>
To: "pc -audio" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 3:33 PM
Subject: struggling with audible
hello friends, now i hope you're sitting comfortably for this one, i have
an account with audible, but as yet have not downloaded any books, so,
tonight i decided i would download a book, i have credits for the past
three months,i chose a book, it went in to "my library" it then asked me
if i wanted to open or download the book, so far so good, easy-peasy, i
decided i would download it to "my documents" before transferring it to
the victor stream reader,it started to down load that took just a few
seconds, which surprised me, then when i went to look for the book in "my
documents" there was no sign of it,i think i downloaded a short file,some
sort of software file, anyone got any ideas? when i click on the book i
have purchased do i have to put it in to my basket, and then sign out? i
have two books sitting in "my library" where do i go from there, any
help will be gratefully appreciated, regards from a balding irishman who
is slowly pulling out his hair, take care travel safely, joe.
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