There is a podcast at demonstrating the Plextalk Pocket and
the Book Port Plus. It's a little contrived, but generally informative.
The firmware differences between the two are not merely cosmetic. Both
record well. One benefit to the Book Port Plus is that for a limited time,
it only costs around $300. I think that's less the Plextalk Pocket and way
less than the Book Sense xl
Bothe Plextalk Pocket and the Book Port are works in progress. If you want
something with a little more attention to the needs of the blind and those
around them, it seems that currently the Book Port Plus has a slight
advantage. I understand, however, that there is another firmware release
due very soon for the Plextalk Pocket.
Also, I'm not sure if the Plextalk will play books yet or not.
The Book Port Plus does.
Good luck!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Boyer" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 3:13 PM
Subject: book sense. vs plextalk
Ok. Here we ago again. I'm so sorry to rehash this but I'm confused. The
PT or plextalk pocket is essentially the same as the book port made by
APH? Is that what I'm to understand? I have forgotten about the victor
stream because it doesn't seem to have as many things I need as the other
two. Please help me straighten this out. I hope I'm not the only one
Thanks yall
Brett Boyer
Production / Program Director
KZBR 97.1 FM
Alamosa Colorado
Morning show. Comedy Block. Rockin Hits 24 / 7
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