The best way to think of the BookPort and the Plextor is that it is made by
the same company using basically the same guts but the looks are physically
different as the American Printinghouse has written the bookPort in the way
that they want it. Over time   the BookPort will have the same features   as
the Plextor.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Brett Boyer
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 10:13 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: book sense. vs plextalk

Ok. Here we ago again. I'm so sorry to rehash this but I'm confused. The PT
or plextalk pocket is essentially the same as the book port made by APH? Is
that what I'm to understand? I have forgotten about the victor stream
because it doesn't seem to have as many things I need as the other two.
Please help me straighten this out. I hope I'm not the only one confused.
Thanks yall
Brett Boyer
Production / Program Director
KZBR 97.1 FM
Alamosa Colorado
Morning show. Comedy Block. Rockin Hits 24 / 7
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