Yep, its just an idea.

On 07/04/2010, at 7:47 AM, DJ DOCTOR P wrote:

> Hello,
> I believe the idea here, is a stand alone machine that talks.
> Nothing to do with a computer unless you wish to burn your finish product to 
> a CD, but an assessable digital recorder that blind people as well as sighted 
> people to use to make full fledged recordings.
> My best regards.
> John.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "rishi d mack" <>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:46 PM
> Subject: Re: multi track recording
>> there's a few multy track recorder like adobe audition, cakewalk sonar, cool 
>> edit pro cakewalk audio pro and more, but you just have to get scripts for 
>> them to be more accessabel with jaws. I have been trying to use cakewalk 
>> sonar le6.0 and I have the j-scripts for it if you decided to get a coppy of 
>> it. I'm using cool edit pro now, but I need scripts for it now, cuz I can't 
>> see to use it like before. I hope I get them soon.
>> rishi mack.
>> If you want, just reply to me offlist and I can send you the j-scripts or on 
>> list. anyone will do
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Victoria Vaughan" <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:18 PM
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>> Subject: Re: multi track recording
>>> I sure would be interested in an accessible multi-track recorder!  Do you 
>>> think if enough of us ask for it, someone will actually produce it?
>>> Wishfully, Vicky
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Johnny Russo" 
>>> <>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 10:08 AM
>>> Subject: multi track recording
>>>> Hi all.  How many of you would do multi track recording if it was
>>>> accessible.  For example, the victor Stream speaks, the Book Sense speaks,
>>>> Olympus ds71 and other units speak, and there are talking watches.  We need
>>>> a digital multi track recorder, for recording original music, that speaks,
>>>> so that, for every menu function, a spoken word alerts us.  Who would be
>>>> interested in this issue?   John Russo
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