What about QWS or Quick Windows Sequencer. It is free and is made by a blind programmer Andre Lewis so of course it will be accessible. More information at www.andrelewis.com/qws.

Chris Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook: christopher...@googlemail.com
MSN: ch9...@hotmail.com
Skype: chrishallsworth7266
Twitter: www.twitter.com/christopherh40

On 25/03/2010 17:44, Johnny Russo wrote:

                 I am a recent subscriber to PC-audio.  I trust my inquiry is
within topic policy.  I'm completely blind and use screen reader software.
I'm searching for a sequencer software that works well with screen readers.
Sequencer software allows one to insert musical notes into bars and beats,
which can then be played by a sound card with digitally sampled synth, or
drum sounds.  If anyone is familiar with sequencer software, and knows of
one that works well with screen readers, please let me know.  John Russo

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