If they are in mp3 format, you don't really have to convert them. I've found
if you have a single book in a bolder on a thumb drive it will work in the
NLS player. You can only do this with one book though.

-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org]
On Behalf Of scott
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:03 PM
To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Subject: m p 3 and wave files to N L S digital reader

Greetings:  My name is Scott.  I'm new to the group.  It has been
informative to read through the archives.

Is anyone aware of an open source solution that will allow me to convert a
series of m p 3 and wave files, and compile them into the digital book
format used by the National Library Service's digital book reader.

I am not looking for something I have to pay for, as I just want to listen
to my personal instructional m p 3 files on the N L S player and have the
ability to index them, create bookmarks, put them on a blank cartridge and
make use of the digital player that I carry with me anyway.

I prefer open source, as I use only the Linux operating system, but a
Windows solution is better than nothing.

I am utterly ignorant regarding the N L S format, so if someone is willing
to take time to summarize the format used or provide a good link for
self-learning, I'd be equally thankful.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
s r @ e p h 4 5 . n e t

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